<== Photo courtesy of James' dad Diem. 

"Today we worked on a weaselhead 02 project. Also tomorrow we are roasting "Darth Gambulus".* In DPA we played free for all dodge ball." 

Grace W. 6.3
*Mr. Cadman says Darth Calculus (see above photo) will not be cleaned out and roasted until Wednesday at Lunch because we are going to weasel head tomorrow. 
- Weaselhead trip tomorrow. Bring a zip-lock bag to collect sovereigns from your adopted tree. Also, bring a digital camera or cell-phone camera tomorrow. 

- Figurative language quiz Monday.
- Get you project rubric signed and return it. 

- Test corrections are due tomorrow. Complete them on a separate piece of paper. Hand them into the 6.3 or 6.4 in-box in the morning. 

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