Terry Fox Run - September 27th
Student have received pledge forms. You can also donate online. 

Students have received their first quiz  and I will be returning and discussing the quiz with them on Tuesday. Students will have an opportunity to make improvements to their quizzes and hand it in again – the goal is always for students to learn and understand what we are doing in school, so I encourage every student who did not earn 14/14 on the quiz to take time to ask questions and make the improvements! Students will be taking these quizzes home to share with you as well. Again, please discuss, sign and have your child return as soon as possible. 

Students have also started our new project titled Inspirational Stories of Historical Change. Students are working in partners or individually on this inquiry project. For more details, please find a copy of the assignment on the Humanities Resource site.

Students will have a variety of small homework assignments this week based on discussions we are having in class. Please see student agendas for homework topics. 

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