-No School Friday.
- Last chance: Bring your Tin Can tomorrow.
-Camp is just around the corner! Please be sure to try on all winter gear before departure. They are growing fast and may be in need of larger mitts, snow pants, boots etc.
- 6.3 Winter camp: January 23-25, 2013
- 6.4 Winter camp: January 29-31, 2013

- CSS Science Fair is February 6th. 
Judges needed! Contact Mr. Cadman

- Comma Comic must be handed in ASAP. 
- Peer editing of Comma Comics tomorrow. 

-Background research for you tin can constellation should be handed in already (I am missing 8 )
- Please have you Constellation myth/story printed an handed in Tuesday. 

- 6.4 will get explorer project work time tomorrow. 

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